The only thing I hate: Fanboys...
Seriously...I get flamed for going on a Video Game forum and saying I have a 360 and a Wii but the PS3 isn't really my kind of console.
I use the Wii for just fun and co-op. But the 360 is my God, I think it's because I'm not really into good graphics.
If I was, I would've dumped the Wii ages ago, but Graphics aren't anything to me, just Gameplay.
Also getting onto the subject: Fanboys always flame each other.
I was going onto a Fable II video and someone commented "This game sucks because Fallout 3 is better." I was just like "Wtf" so I replyed. "So instead of agreeing their both great games, you decide to look for something that you think is competition towards it and decide to flame people who like the game, even though there's nothing wrong with saying their both great games. I can see your intelligient. -sarcasm-"
I like all the consoles. What I don't like are those whiny fanboys who never shut up on Youtube! They are just built for fun.
Yeah. I don't hate ANY console. I just prefer the 360 last to the PS3 and Wii.